Once it’s been established that you’re suffering from a bed bug infestation, your professional pest control company will determine whether or not your home is a good candidate for heat treatment. If it is, the exterminators will bring in several large heaters. These heaters have the ability to blow hot air that reaches temperatures of at least 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Using these large fans, they’ll create a hot environment in each of the affected areas, killing the bed bugs and drying out their bodies. Because bed bugs dry out at 118 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s necessary to monitor the temperature in each area carefully to ensure that maximum heat is achieved.
Heat treatments take time. It’s important that every inch of your home is brought to a high temperature in order to kill any bed bugs that may be hiding out. Once a high temperature is reached, it’s important that the heat is maintained for at least an hour. This prevents any bed bugs from recolonizing or making an escape from the heat.
The reason that heat treatments are so appealing is because they don’t utilize any sort of chemical. Many pesticides and fog bombs used to extinguish bed bugs are comprised of various chemicals that may be harmful to humans and pets. By opting for a heat treatment, you avoid the health risks and make an extermination choice that’s more environmentally friendly.
With the heat treatment reaching such high temperatures, many homeowners worry about their belongings. Most belongings are safe during the treatment. However, your pest control company may recommend removing meltable plastics, specific types of art, and pets while the extermination process is occurring. This prevents any issues from happening while the heaters are running.
Bed bug heat treatment should only be handled by professionals. While you may be tempted to crank up the heat and attempt your own heat treatment, there’s no way to verify that the heat remains consistent or that it reaches the necessary temperature. Instead, allow a professional extermination company to lend their services and rid you of bed bugs once and for all.
For the most effective bedbug detection and the best bedbug treatment systems around, The Dog Detective is here for you. We can help set your home or office right again, sniffing out all the bad bugs and where they’re hiding, and using safe, non-toxic treatments that won’t cause any lasting damage to your home in order to deal with your unwanted guests. For the best in canine bed bug inspection in Columbus, Cincinnati, and surrounding areas , you can count on The Dog Detective! Contact us today!